Bobbi and Friends


The majorette, twirling, and friendship fan page.

Enjoy and participate

Please Visit These Pages
Friendship Heritage Photos Photos History Links Messages

While you are here, please take visit all of the pages of this site by clicking on the buttons just below the picture of Bobbi. You are sure to find something interesting.

There is a button for a message board . This is for you to leave messages for anyone visiting here, and is a great way to communicate with other people everywhere who are interested in twirling and friendship. Even if you don't have a message to put on the board, you should read what others have written. There may be a message of interest to you, or something you might be able to help with.

When people were making suggestions as to what should be put in this site, one of the most suggested things was friendship. That indicates that friendship must be very important to a lot of people. You might not have a lot of different things in your life, but if you have friends, you are rich.

Before we go any further, we'd like you to send an e-mail saying that you visited here and anything else you want to write.

Baton twirling is a good form of exercise, is a good sport to take part in, and many people believe that it is just as important a sport as any other.

Twirling as part of a majorette or twirling corps helps to promote friendship. All group activities go better with friendship, and life in general goes better with friendship.

Twirling plus friendship -- now that is a great combination.

Majorette in blue

Please send us at least one of these e-mail messages:-

I love friendship because...

I love majorettes because...

I love baton twirling because...

Everyone who is a majorette, or a true majorette/twirling fan, should visit this new site:- Majorettes -- You Just Have To Love Them .

When you visit it, please leave your comments, and tell your friends about it.

[ Diane's Friendship Page ] [ Janie's Proud Heritage ] [ Ellen's Photo Page ] [ Wendy's Photo Page ]
[ Marla's History Page } [ Michelle's Links Page ] [ Nancy's Message Board ]

